1977 |
1988 |
- Shared planning for individual automated library systems (III)
1990-91 |
- Priority ILL and intercampus delivery service
- Maine Union Lists of Serials
- Cooperative retention of older journal runs
- Shared retention and collection development of science journals
1994 |
- Ariel transmission of all CBB journal articles
1995 |
- Collaborative evaluation, selection, acquisition of E-databases
1997 |
- CBB Mellon Project for Library and Information Technology
2000 |
2003 |
2004 |
2004-06 |
- NExpress Includes new partners, Wellesley, Williams and Middlebury
- Article-level, patron-generated requests (ceased in 2010 replaced with Rapid)
2006-2010 |
2008 |
- Combined CBB approval plan with YBP
2010 |
- CBBcat, shared library catalog (Aquabrowser)
2011 |
2014 |
2015-2016 |
- ConnectNY peer-to-peer resource sharing pilot